Advertise with CMM

Promote your business in our recital programs.


DurationFull Page
Full Page
(black & white)
Half Page
Half Page
(black & white)
Quarter Page
Quarter Page
(black & white)
1 Program$98$65$53$35$30$20
2 Programs$171$114$92$61$53$35
3 Programs$244$263$131$88$75$50
4 Programs$317$211$171$114$98$65
Full Season$900$585$475$315$270$180
To inquire about or submit an advertisement, please contact Robbie Padilla, CMM Marketing & Publicity Chair (

Payment Options

  • Check made out to Civic Morning Musicals, mailed to P.O. Box 63, DeWitt, NY 13214.
  • PayPal option coming soon!